To be placed on our waitlist please fill out the form at the following link.
Goats For Sale
Preference and discount given to performance home.
Please review our sales policy at the bottom of the page.
Sales Policy
When requesting to be on the wait list, please give us your name, address, email and phone number so that we can easily reach you.
Once you are notified that an animal is available, you have 24 hours to commit to the purchase. Buyer will then have 48 hours to place a half down deposit. By making a deposit, you are in agreement to our terms and conditions. Kids must be paid in full prior to transportation being arranged or pickup by buyer.
Buyer is responsible for all transport costs.
Mountain Momma Farms reserves the right to retain any kid born as well as reserve the right to change any breeding plan at any time.
Mountain Momma Farms may terminate any sale at any time per their discretion with a full refund of purchase price/deposit.
Kids are to be picked up/transported to their new homes by 8 weeks of age (bucklings & wethers). Doelings can leave 8 weeks but have the option to stay up to 12 weeks. Pick up/transport deadlines can be extended in special circumstances with seller/buyer agreement however any stay past that date would require a $3 per animal per day charge to be added. If you are purchasing multiple kids and are waiting for more to be born at different times, we will consider, but will not promise holding your kids until all can be transported together. We cannot hold for months.
If you are purchasing a weaned or adult animal, you have two weeks to arrange transport/pick-up, unless otherwise discussed. Any exceptions should be noted and agreed upon at time of purchase. All other terms in this contract remain applicable.
Kids shall be registered with ADGA under the herd name “Mountain Momma”. Registration shall be surrendered/transferred upon full payment and pick up.
*Deposits are non-refundable
*Height of your animal is not guaranteed.
*Health of the animal sold is not guaranteed after it leaves our property. It then becomes the buyer’s responsibility. Replacements will be made, when medical proof is given of a genetic defect. In the instance that a genetic problem is found, the replacement will come in the form of another kid either from that year or the next year’s kidding season. Examples of genetic problems are, but not limited to, extra teats or
sterility. There is no monetary refund for this.